Davis Lake Fire District, Inc.
Providing the District with quality Fire and Rescue Services!
17 February 2020
To Whom It May Concern
Led by our new Chief Jimmy Briggs (our firefighters and the Board of Directors) “we,” improved the ISO rating from a five (5/5x) to a three (3/3x) in 2018. With this rating, you should have seen a reduction in your home insurance premium.
This is an excellent rating for ourfire “District.”Collecting Fire Dues at $150 per residence/business, enabled us to start hiring Alabama Fire College “Firefighters,” as well as trained Paramedicsand Emergency Medical Technicians to provide immediate 911 responseon a 24/7 basis.
This up-grade in services, with immediate medical capabilities and integration into the health-care system, was effected February 26, 2019.
This was possible because we had started receiving Davis Lake Fire District dues for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY’18). [FY’18 ran from Oct. 01, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2018]
Most of us live in the county because we want to be out of any city and their added regulations. This, for many of us, is the way of life we prefer. We enjoy: improving and adding amenities to our residences, or even burning trash without paying for a permit to secure the “permission/right”to do these things.
As a District, we are now under political legislation action pending. As you may have noted in our recent newsletter; there are two pending actions: 1] repeal (nullify) the voter’s choice of the 5 June 2018 Election that establishing DLFD 2017-256, or, 2] modify an extremely limit DLFD in Collecting Fire Dues to $75/yr.
Fire Dues Fee of $150 enabled DLVF District establish a 24/7 hired professional staff that is qualified to provide immediate Advanced Life Support (level 2) referred to as an ALS-II. This action of staffing 24/7 is only possible because EMTs and Para-Medics; with a need to pay their living expenses, need to have payroll monies in place to pay them for their work. Currently, we are paying only $8.33 per hour; minimal pay to risk life and limb to be a Firefighter as well as a trained EMT or Para-Medic.
As you may well understand, this progression of improving services has been and continues to be; our focus to serve you; our clients, our customers. Providing you quality fire and rescue services here in St Clair County.
Our records can be found @ www.DavisLakeFireDistrict.com
We need your help to save DLF District! Please come by the Station on Marietta [across from the Armory] and sign a petition for the Governor.
Thank you.
Donald W. Gilmore, MAJ USA (Ret.)
New Chairman, DLVF District, Inc.
MS Nur. Adm., UAB